Our specialized Product Design service is addressed predominantly to other bigger and smaller companies (like furniture shops and producers).
We help them to create entire furniture ranges, solving for them within the process all technological and constructional as well as aesthetical and stylistic matters and creating for them unique product lines that will address the most popular needs of their clients, help them to distinguish their brands on the market and increase the profit by exchanging some external products with a very attractive in-house creations.
As part of our Product Design service we offer the bespoke service - addressed to architects and interior designers as well as to our most demanding private clients. Addressing their specific needs and requirements we create for them bespoke, unique, single pieces (WOW factors) in desired style and colour(s), meant for precise spaces and purpose of use. During the design process we are following precise guidelines given by our clients and solving for them all technological and constructional matters, delivering at the end a perfect piece to the indicated location in agreed time.